
The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) provides California residents with specific rights regarding their personal information. As a California resident, you may exercise these rights by completing the below form. Note that we may ask for additional information or documents to verify your identity prior to processing your request. Please visit our Privacy Policy and CCPA Notice to learn more about how we collect, handle, use, and protect your personal information.

Your Name
Your Email
Your City
State Of Residence

Please Select Who the Request Is Being Made For:

On behalf of a California resident, I am their Authorized Agent

Please specify your request. For more information on the below, please visit our CCPA Notice:

Access Request
Data Portability Request
Deletion Request

By checking “I Accept” below, you acknowledge and certify that the information you have entered into this form is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge, and that you are either (a) a California resident making this request on behalf of yourself; or (b) an Authorized Agent making this request on behalf of a California resident, as indicated above. You understand that it may be necessary for us to further verify the identity of the California resident and/or the Authorized Agent and you agree to comply with any such requests.

I Accept